Monday, September 22, 2008

A Day as a child

To sit as a child in the sand and enjoy the shimmery colours..... How you can forget the world around you.

My memories of the Newfoundland beach front are as fond to me, as a rose pedal to a bee. I enjoyed the peace I would receive each and everytime I stepped foot upon the sand.

We would play at the beach near Grandfathers fishing shack and make outlines of houses. We would make dressers, beds, a kitchen table, and anything our imagination could bring to life. We did this on a regular basis, as Grandfather spent much of his time keeping up his Sanctuary. It stands today, 19 years after Grandfather has left us with large a pocket of sunshine. It stands abandon, yet so full of life.

The Beach

The beach has so much to offer. It is full of surprises........footprints. It receives new rocks daily, only to bring as beautiful a scene as the day before.

"It is like you get to step onto a new beach everyday without travelling a single mile. "

The ocean washes away the old sand, and brings with it the new. Life is forever changing around us and we should always stop and let the sand go between our toes.

Newfoundland, just like the coast of British Columbia has so much to offer. I now walk the beaches of BC and with it comes a new ocean ...."the beauty is endless". I think of myself as lucky to have seen two of the most beautiful parts of our country. From one end of Canada to the other. My home is now BC but will always be NL. I look forward to sharing more of my pictures and memories.

1 comment:

West Coast Island Gardener said...

How lovely.

You have filled my pockets with a walk down the beach.